See How Brix Wine Bar Stays a Step Ahead with Orderly
“Orderly makes everything a lot more convenient, organized, and streamlined for us”
Lindsay Dutcher, Owner – Brix Wine Bar

When a hurricane hits a restaurant’s home, plans change quickly and food costs may go haywire. Lindsay Dutcher learned this the hard way.
The Problem
Lindsay owns Brix Wine Bar on the island of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. Though she’s lived there for over nine years, she decided to open her restaurant in May 2017. Four months later, two Category 5 Hurricanes rolled through. The restaurant survived, but had to completely revamp its menu, shifting to small plates. Though the plates got smaller, food costs seemed to keep going up.
Why Orderly?
On the simplest terms, Lindsay was looking for a way to save her and her chef’s valuable money and time. She’s always known the importance of having accurate numbers – especially when it comes to reducing spend. She hadn’t found anything that truly satisfied her.
How Orderly Helped Brix Wine Bar
Lindsay and her chefs have found Orderly to be an enormous help when it comes to easily tracking their food costs. For the first time ever, she’s proud to say that her Cost of Goods Sold and other metrics are truly accurate. She’s also found great use in the weekly recommendations that are sent to her, which share ingredients she can be saving money on.
An Invoicing Revolution
One thing Lindsay was not expecting was how much she was going to employ the invoicing features of the Orderly App. Snapping invoices is an enormous time saver for her chefs. Having invoices digitized also comes in handy when they need to check ingredient prices. They don’t have to run to her office to dig through a filing cabinet or browse on her computer. Or, in Lindsay’s words, “[Orderly is] a lot more user-friendly than picking up an invoice with food on it.”
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